On Xbox Series Launched The Playstation 2 Emulator

Home » Game News » On Xbox Series Launched The Playstation 2 Emulator
October 14, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

PlayStation 5 does not know how to play games with PS2. But Xbox Series – can! Of course, not about full compatibility, but about emulation.

The author of the YouTube channel Modern Vintage Gamer published a roller in which she showed the classic from the PS2 running on Xbox Series S. Consoles Microsoft There is a developer mode where you can enable UWP applications (Universal Windows Platform). One of these applications is a platform for RetroOrch emulators, which built in including PCSX2, PS2 emulator.

Modern Vintage Gamer warned that PCSX2 for Retroarch is in active development. In the current version, full of bugs – there are so many of them that YouTube was thinking to throw the setting and wait for a more stable version. In particular, so far disk images are not supported, in terms of 2 gigabytes, it reduces the list of available games.

According to the enthusiast, PS2 emulation on Xbox Series looks promising. Already, some entertainment work is very smooth – among them, for example, ICO, Metal Gear Solid 2 And Silent Hill 2. Other games are launched, but with problems of varying degrees of visibility – so SHADOW OF THE COLOSSUS Gameplay occasionally slows down, and in Gran Turismo 4 To “brakes” is added faulty sound.

Summing up, Modern Vintage Gamer stated that it was impressed by the emulation PS2 on Xbox Series S, especially if you consider the console cost – 299 dollars. Series X The author did not test, but suggested that the difference between XSX and XSS should be insignificant – emulation is demanding primarily to CPU, and processors in both models are similar.

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