BDSM release will be held in the fall – action-RPG about Satan’s Son

Home » Game News » BDSM release will be held in the fall – action-RPG about Satan’s Son
July 27, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

BDSM release will be held in the fall – action-RPG about Satan’s Son
Big Drunk Satanic Massacre, She is BDSM, obviously trying to leave on his own scandaling, as at one time it did Hatred. Developers from Bigway Games called a month when we can learn what is hidden behind the provocative name. (Before reading news on, do not forget to include suitable music!)

Main character BDSM – Satan Satan named Lou. Protagonist wants to clear hell from nasty people and pony. The best friends of Lou in his adventure will be buggy, dismissed jokes and a bunch of weapons. We are stunning the amazing levels impressive “bosses”, as well as the “mixture of pain and absurdity”.

Big Drunk Satanic Massacre Visit PC this September.

In the meantime, before the launch there is still time, the authors organized a campaign on Kickstarter. Bigway wants to raise money for additional game elements. So, for 6,666 dollars, the studio will add to his creation the opportunity to make the chief hero of the Negro. If you want to see in BDSM “Bloody finishing with anal torture”, help developers to scrape $ 16,666. The list stretches up to 296,666 bucks, but the creators have not yet come up with what sacrifices they are willing to go for such a sum. And right – let it remain a pleasant surprise!

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