User “Twitter” banned for the message about the murder of Sean Bina in Hitman 2

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August 11, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

User “Twitter” banned for the message about the murder of Sean Bina in Hitman 2
November 20th B Hitman 2 The first elusive goal arrived – the former agent MI5, and now Killer Mark Faba. His role was performed by the famous actor Sean Bin SEAN BEAN). Be careful – the discussion of the murder of fababs can be unsafe for your account in Twitter.

As you know, kinheroehi Sean Bina often die on the screen. Of death Bina turned into meme, in the context of which no one, of course, does not specify that we are talking about the characters, and not about the actor itself. In this trap and pleased the user thefatconsoler.

The player wrote in his “Twitter”: “It seems, today I will kill Sean Bina“. The administration of the social network did not work for a long time and blocked the Killer account for the expression of the threat of violence.

According to VG247, the user has already appealed to Twitter support and tried to explain that it was only about video game incarnation Sean Bina. However, the headquarters of Bedalli have not yet unlocked.

We remind you that Mark Faba will raise in terms of Miami only until December 4. Only one attempt is given to eliminate the goal – after an inaccurate murder, it will have to either put up with a mediocre ranking, or to cheat with the Internet connection. Reward for the death of Faba – pen with explosives.

User “Twitter” banned for the message about the murder of Sean Bina in Hitman 2

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