Pope Handed Undertale As A Symbolic Gift

Home » Game News » Pope Handed Undertale As A Symbolic Gift
September 13, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Some time ago Pope Francis met with several famous persons from YouTube. Video blocks also offered to give the chapter of the Catholic Church of some gift. One of the “YouTubes” conveyed to dad a copy Undertale, And now I explained why he chose this game.

At a meeting with the Pope, Roman video clubs were discussed not religion, but how the Internet helps people be together. The organization that has arranged a meeting suggested guests to come up with some gift that will be a cultural symbol of their native nation. American Matpat, author of The Game Theorists, considered that gave burgers in a cowboy hat somehow indecently, and decided that it was necessary to prepare a present on behalf of the gamer community. He stopped at the game Undertale.

According to Matpat, video games in the eyes of society are now seen like a selection of cruelty and violence: the most popular and recognizable series like Grand Theft Auto or Call of Duty Focus on murder. And here Undertale Not like that – it offers a peaceful outcome for all conflicts and much better transfers the mood of gamers.

Of course, Matpat does not expect Dad Roman suddenly beyond the computer and will arrange a “lettle” or at least just launch the game. But exactly as a symbolic gift Undertale, in his opinion, it looks great.

In more detail, all his thoughts Matpat voiced in the video below.

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