Russian Disks With Far Cry 6 Were Sent To Europe For Ps4 – Users Faced Restrictions

Home » Game News » Russian Disks With Far Cry 6 Were Sent To Europe For Ps4 – Users Faced Restrictions
September 21, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

In a number of European countries, discs received for PlayStation 4 with Far Cry 6. However, users cannot access part of the content due to inconsistencies of the regions – discs were published for the Russian market.

Complaints came from the United Kingdom, Germany, Greece and other European states. Country inconsistencies do not give gamers to get bonuses for pre-orders and purchased DLC, and the owners of PlayStation 5 cannot update the action to the nextgen version. People appealed to support Ubisoft Behind the problem solving, but the true cause of troubleshooting fans revealed themselves.

For example, the user Twitter under the nickname sjpearson85 recorded a special video. He says that he acquired a disk in the UK, but the PS5 system perceives it incorrectly. According to him, with games Ubisoft This happens not for the first time, so he remained a Russian account since last time. As soon as the British account is changing to another, Far Cry 6 Apartment option appears, but additional content is still closed. “Hope, Ubisoft Decides the problem faster than in two months, as was the last time. “, – Says Gamer with annoyance. Judging by the company’s tweets, it is already engaged in this issue.

This really happened with the product Ubisoft: Last year, the same situation accompanied the European launch Assassins Creed Valhalla.

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