Social Network For Gamers

Home » Game News » Social Network For Gamers
October 5, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The network runs the only social network for gamers, which has no analogues in the entire world Internet. Gamer.RU was founded on the communication of gamers, contact with publishers and game developers, amateur and professional journalism in one bottle.

Gamer.RU has already received the status of the cult and national title “Breakthrough 2009”. The concept of project development is based on users who themselves create the content you are interested in. But the unique innovation is the role mechanism of the site. The greater the activity of the gamer will show, the more pleasant bonuses he will receive.

At the initial steps, the gamer becomes available. Basic options are available: loading avatar, “purchase” of excess post and editing. But having an advanced level, the user’s personal functionality is significantly expanding. You can make the enemy shut up for an hour or a day, create a survey, raise your post or highlight a comment, impose a “whisper”, “to compete”, become invisible and so on. Life on the project boils saturated. By the way, there is a possibility to directly ask a question to the representative of the game company and get the official answer. And finally, to participate in contests that regularly spend there: 1C, new disk, Akella, Q1, Innova, Russobit-M, the storming and Astrum online and many others.

On the comments of the project developers, in the fall of Gamer.RU is waiting for a global update, the most long-awaited in which the introduction of clans, and in perspective and clan wars.

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