The Battle For The Pirated Bay Continues

Home » Game News » The Battle For The Pirated Bay Continues
October 25, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The Swedish Court of Appeal left the conviction of the top of the founders and leaders of the famous torrent The Pirate Bay (Fredrik Neij), Peter Sunde (Peter Sunde) and Karl Lundstrom (Carl Lundstrom)). Recall that the court of lower instance sentenced them in the spring of last year by the year of the prison and a fine of 32 million kroons (4.$ 5 million) than those recognized by the guilty remained very unhappy.

But the only thing they achieved appeal is to reduce prison courts. Instead of the year, each judge issued them from four to ten months. True, at the same time raised a fine to 46 million kroons (6.$ 5 million). Hardly the accused such solutions are very happy. By the way, in the case of The Pirate Bay, four people were convicted, but Gottfrid Svartholm (Gottfrid Svartholm) did not appeal on the appeal meeting, referring to the disease. And now his case will be considered later.

The lawyer does not already say that his client and with this verdict disagrees and is going to ask for justice to the Swedish Supreme Court. Sonde and Lundstrom have not yet decided on their further actions. But they are unlikely to give up the struggle.

Meanwhile, despite all the efforts of Swedish law enforcement agencies, The Pirate Bay still works. And although imagined by the victims (various American media initiants) Monic Vadster (Monique Wadsted) hurried to declare that the days of the site were considered, and after a couple of years and all the rest of the torrents will come cranes, analysts did not agree with her. On their authoritative opinion, torrents do not kill, because the Internet is large, and it has such places where even the long hands of American justice will not reach.

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