The Creators Of Star Control: Origins Settled Conflict With The Authors Of Star Control 2 With Beekeeping

Home » Game News » The Creators Of Star Control: Origins Settled Conflict With The Authors Of Star Control 2 With Beekeeping
October 12, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

A year ago around the classic Space Game series Star Control Scandal broke out. The authors of the old Star Control forced the authors to remove their game, Star Control: Origins, from digital stores, but later it returned there. Recently, both sides were loved by their conflict.

Stardock And two creators STAR CONTROL 2: THE UR-QUAN MASTERS 1992 – Paul Raik III (Paul Reiche II9) and Fred Ford (Fred Ford) – agreed to settle the legal dispute around the rights to the franchise. Former opponents will now cooperate in creating future games of the series and DLC for the already released Origins.

Stardock will continue to create games by the universe, and Raik III And Ford will work on new games by UR-QUAN MASTERS, Including planned Ghosts of the precursors, The beginning of the development of which is scheduled for this autumn. About the same time will come out Earth Rising for Origins.

To the games of both studios differ from each other, Raik will help in creating several new alien races for Origins. Stardock, In turn, extract him and his colleague in the preparation of technology for their future games. Besides, Stardock can sell the first three parts again Star Control. Both sides share royalties in half.

It’s funny that in a peaceful outcome, the love of beekeeping has played an important role – executive director Stardock Brad Wortdell (Brad Wardell) and Raik III Affected by this occupation. In legal conclusion, it was even spelled out that they would share each other honey and honey.

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