The First Screenshots Of The Science Fiction Antiotopia The Surge

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September 20, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

As you know, German Studio Deck13 interactive There will be no relation to the continuation of its previous hit Lords of the Fallen. But the developers do not sit back. With the support of the publisher Focus Home Interactive The team is preparing gloomy science fiction The Surge, The first shots from which today appeared online.

Deck13 Reminds that the action of role action takes place in the distant future, when the planet Earth keeps literally on the last sip. The accelerated development of technology and environmental abuse led to uploading civilization, which is now on the verge of collapse.

The First Screenshots Of The Science Fiction Antiotopia The SurgeThe First Screenshots Of The Science Fiction Antiotopia The Surge

One of the main innovations The Surge Developers call combat mechanics and a character development system built on the upgrade through modules mined in cruel battle.

On the presented pictures, you can consider the main character The Surge In the exoskeleton, which, according to Deck13, serves as a base for follow-up modernization. Fighting with the enemy, you can specifically aim to certain parts or “limbs” with the weapon necessary for you or equipment, which after victory can be bootable on your exoskeleton. Of course, the coolest will be attached to the most dangerous enemies. Although how the creators of the game emphasize, even the “most common” enemies in RPG may be deadly. And it will not cost without bosses.

The First Screenshots Of The Science Fiction Antiotopia The SurgeThe First Screenshots Of The Science Fiction Antiotopia The Surge

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