In the development of the game “Four-wheel drive: UAZ 4×4. Ural call

Home » Game News » In the development of the game “Four-wheel drive: UAZ 4×4. Ural call
February 24, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

In the development of the game “Four-wheel drive: UAZ 4×4. Ural call
Firm "1C" and the company AVALON STYLE ENTERTINMENT Announced the development of a supplement to the sports simulator driving an SUV for difficult terrain "Full drive: UAZ 4×4".
The indomitable legend of the domestic auto industry again on the march: UAZ goes down to conquer difficult places in a new region – Ural Mountains. In the conditions of increased severity, equipped with a winch Russian all-terrain vessels from the Ulyanovsky Automobile Plant fully disclose their potential on five completely new tracks for the trial.
On the timing of the addition "Full drive: UAZ 4×4. Ural appeal" will be announced later.

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