Valve sucks for F2P

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August 1, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Valve sucks to F2P
Miscellaneous brains Asian and Russian users, “Frortules” finally started a feast on a gray substance of users Steam. Since yesterday, popular service Valve Began support for the first F2P projects. Among the five lucky ones got Spiral Knights, Forsaken Worlds, Champions Online: Free for all, Global Agenda: Free Agent And Alliance of Valiant Arms (Ava).

In honor of such a significant event from today and on Sunday, the service administration holds shares “F2P-game of the day”. Any gamer can start today with Spiral Knights and then on the list finish on Sunday Ava‘Oh, getting special in-game bonuses for each new acquaintance. It is unlikely that something worthwhile, but still “Halewa in Halyava”. That is, freebies in a square.

All “Frealules”, agreeing on cooperation with Steam, will immediately begin to use along with its own game shops internal service transaction transaction system. Which now, for example, acts in Team Fortress 2. Business Development Director Valve Jason Holtman expressed untouched joy that his company finally managed to succeed in one of the most promising cash pipes in the gaming industry. And this is just the beginning.

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