DYING LIGHT versions for Xbox 360 and PS3 canceled

Home » Game News » DYING LIGHT versions for Xbox 360 and PS3 canceled
August 8, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

DYING LIGHT versions for Xbox 360 and PS3 canceled
TECHLAND I decided to play large and canceled the release of zombie sandboxes Dying Light For consoles of the last generation – Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, thereby making the project with a full-fledged representative of Nectgen. At some point, the developers realized that the “old men” pull the development down and considered it necessary to throw them overboard. The studio explained its decision in the report left on the official Facebook page.

“Many gameplay elements are closely related to the technological side Dying Light, – the statement says TECHLAND. – For example, in one scene, up to 200,000 objects may be displayed. Add to this the use of a realistic lighting system based on physics and you will make even the next generation console work at the limit of your capabilities. These features are coupled with three pillars, on which the gameplay is based (the system of Natural Movement, a three-stage hero development system and a huge open world) are an integral part of Dying Light. Unfortunately, to combine all these things in whole “Exprices” is possible only on more powerful systems “.

Thus, in the list of target platforms Dying Light Now there are PC, Xbox One and Playstation 4. Zombie hunting season will open from January 30.

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