Dedicated servers in Modern Warfare 3?

Home » Game News » Dedicated servers in Modern Warfare 3?
August 5, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Dedicated servers in Modern Warfare 3?
Maybe there will be, and maybe not. This commented on the situation of the community manager Infinity Ward Robert Bowling (Robert Bowling). He said that at the moment there is an active discussion of this issue.

Recall that in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 There was no dedicated servers, IWNet technology came to replace. Such changes caused a stormy reaction of players, which as a result were divided into two camps: Some grown around the past, and others were glad to innovations. It is for this reason that the developers have not yet come to a common opinion – apparently, they are trying to please all users at the same time, which is hardly possible.

According to bowling, in Infinity Ward Carefully listen to the opinions of the players even with the output time Modern Warfare 2. But Robert himself more like IWNet – in his opinion, it is almost an ideal system for owners of personal computers. Agree with him and Activision, Representatives of which two years ago actively defended IWNet technology, calling her step into the future.

I wonder what decision will be made in the end – the choice of developer with the publisher is not from the lungs, because the allocated servers, and IWNet have both their advantages and disadvantages.

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