RAINBOW SIX: SIEEGE is postponed

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August 5, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

RAINBOW SIX: SIEEGE is postponed
Looks like, Ubisoft again remembered the old song. The one that says that the release of the long-awaited game is in our case TOM CLANCY’S RAINBOW SIX: SIEGE – It will not take place in the promised period, that is, October 13. And you know who is to blame? Fans.

The fact is that in recent months, the developers have actively satisfied all sorts of testing, and also brought demolism to exhibitions like E3 and Gamescom, where the first users could check out the shooter and leave their comments. In general, apparently, there are so many comments that Ubisoft I chose to take two additional months to make in Rainbow Six: Siege Required changes required by gamers.

It is now assumed that the game starts on all platforms and in all regions on December 1 of this year. During this period, the developers promise to improve the cooperative in all modes, tweak the balance of weapons and gadgets, and at the same time improving the menu navigation and interface.

Meaning Ubisoft draws your attention to what the closed beta testing proposed to everyone who issued a pre-order is not shifted Rainbow Six: Siege. Tests of anti-terrorism shooter on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4, as it should be, will begin on September 24.

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