Tomorrow in Ghost Recon: Wildlands will appear PVPVE-mode “mercenaries” in the Spirit of “Royal Battle”

Home » Game News » Tomorrow in Ghost Recon: Wildlands will appear PVPVE-mode “mercenaries” in the Spirit of “Royal Battle”
August 5, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Tomorrow in Ghost Recon: Wildlands will appear PVPVE-mode “mercenaries” in the Spirit of “Royal Battle”
October 4 on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One will be released TOM CLANCY’S GHOST RECON: BREAKPOINT. In the meantime, to the release of the new part of the series there is still time, Ubisoft decided to make a farewell gift to the community Wildlands and introduced the PVPVE mode Mercenaries.

“Mercenaries” – entertainment for eight participants resembling the “royal battle”. At the beginning of the match, the players have no firearms and gear. They must find and activate radio transmitters to reduce the evacuation zone and cause a rescue helicopter. Who can fly away, he will win. Users will interfere with the “Unity” soldiers under the control of AI.

At the level of scattered caches with guns and equipment – from light grenades to body armor and first aid items. Having received a penetrating injury, the mercenary will begin to lose blood. To stop the bleeding, you need to use a bandage or a first-aid kit. In the event of death, the character will be reborn, but will lose all lout.

For the game in Mercenaries, rewards are relying – stripe, pants, backpack and so on. Everyone who will complete at least one match will receive a “lone wolf” costume.

Mode “Mercenaries” will be available tomorrow, July 18. Read more about it on the official website Ghost Recon.

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