Cyberpunk 2077 will not take 200 gigabytes on the disk

Home » Game News » Cyberpunk 2077 will not take 200 gigabytes on the disk
July 15, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Cyberpunk 2077 will not take 200 gigabytes on the disk

Yesterday at the presentation NVIDIA flashed phrase that, they say, the next generation games can occupy 200 gigabytes. Against the background of this showed Cyberpunk 2077, Because of which Reddit users suggested that Cyberpunk would require 200 gigabytes on a hard disk.

On the topic reacted the community manager CD Projekt Red Marchin Momot (Marcin Momot):

System requirements Cyberpunk 2077 not yet published (but will soon be!) so I want to talk about this discussion with reddit. The game will not take up to 200 gigabytes after installation. Expect the point requirements at the same level as other modern projects.

Pickup to the sky: Cyberpunk 2077 It will take from 50 to 100 gigabytes of free space – standard for current AAA games. It’s a pity, Momota did not specify when official system requirements appear!

While The @CyberpunkGame System Requirements Are Not Out Yet!), I Wanted to Address This Topic From Reddit. The Game Won’t Take Up 200GB WHEN INSTALLED. You Can Expect The Required HDD Space to Be On Par With Other Modern Titles. PIC.Twitter.COM / TRIGJPWLFC

– Marcin Momot (@ marcin360) September 2, 2020

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