Character transfer between platforms in Destiny 2 has not appeared due to Sony

Home » Game News » Character transfer between platforms in Destiny 2 has not appeared due to Sony
July 19, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Character transfer between platforms in Destiny 2 has not appeared due to Sony
Destiny 2 – multiplatform game service, so the transfer of characters between PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in it clearly would not prevent. But, it looks like, Sony So does not think: this feature did not appear in the shooter at the initiative of the Japanese company.

Several days ago, SplitScreen podkaster with the participation of Kotaku editor Jason Schraira Jason Schreier). During the discussion of the further development of the game after the January department Bungie from Activision The journalist said that the developers were going to add the transfer of heroes between PC and PS4 before the release of global expansion Forsaken.

However, the plans of developers prevented a contract on exclusive content for PS4, with which, for example, is associated with a recent bug. Sony I wanted the game to be associated primarily with their prefix – even if it leaves the owners of other platforms at a disadvantage.

Recall that this is not the first case when Sony Inserts sticks in the wheels interceptor functions. So, earlier the company prevented the emergence of cross-school in such games as Fortnite, Rocket League And Minecraft. Note that the first two games in the end were able to combine gamers from all platforms.

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