Cities: Skylines: Advice (Hack Money Cheat Engine)

Home » Gaming Tactics » Cities: Skylines: Advice (Hack Money Cheat Engine)
January 28, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Cities: Skylines: Advice (Hack Money Cheat Engine)

Hello everyone, Vlad1210 is here =]

Today I’ll tell you how to hack Cities: Skylines for money.

(Cities: Skylines – Deluxe Edition [v 1.7.1-f1 + DLC’s] (2015) PC | RePack from xatab downloaded this …, I think the FAQ will work on 1.7.2-f1 too)

1. Launch Cheat Engine, launch the game and pause.

2. Select the type “Array of byte”

Cities: Skylines: Advice (Hack Money Cheat Engine)

3. We will search for this set of bytes: 49 89 85 B8 00 00 00 49 8B 85 C0 00 00 00 48 63

Cities: Skylines: Advice (Hack Money Cheat Engine)


Cities: Skylines: Advice (Hack Money Cheat Engine)
Cities: Skylines: Advice (Hack Money Cheat Engine)
Cities: Skylines: Advice (Hack Money Cheat Engine)

Press YES!

Cities: Skylines: Advice (Hack Money Cheat Engine)

We go into the game and build a road!

Cities: Skylines: Advice (Hack Money Cheat Engine)

Appeared address: 14D619B8 

Then we add it to the table and do what we want =]

Cities: Skylines: Advice (Hack Money Cheat Engine)

Thank you all for your attention)

Download Cheat Engine from our server you can here.

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