Snowrunner: Tip (How to add money and experience)

Home » Gaming Tactics » Snowrunner: Tip (How to add money and experience)
February 19, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Snowrunner: Tip (How to add money and experience)

Snowrunner: Tip (How to add money and experience)

We manage the preservation ourselves. Here’s how to cheat in Snowrunner.

Mod features
The required file is located along the path Documents \ My Games \ SnowRunner \ base \ storage \ 1638 \ CompleteSave.dat 
We find it and open it with a notepad (I recommend notepad++).

To get any amount of money, we are looking for the parameter “money”:. After the colon, enter the amount you want to receive.
To gain experience, we are looking for a parameter experience and enter the required amount of experience.

We save the file, launch the game and play for fun without experiencing problems.

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