Fallout 4: Tip (How to get a cryolator at the very beginning of the game)

Home » Gaming Tactics » Fallout 4: Tip (How to get a cryolator at the very beginning of the game)
May 4, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Fallout 4: Tip (How to get a cryolator at the very beginning of the game)

Everything is quite simple, first we go to the “Red Rocket” truck parking lot there we find a dog, and we immediately go to Vault 111

after that we go to the warehouse and there we ask the dog to look for things for us and magically she takes it from the locker, but the cartridges for the cryolator can be found when exchanging with the dog

and yes, I know that you could see the video, but it’s still useful for those who have a weak Internet

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