Max Payne: Tip (Unlock all difficulty levels: Hunter, Hunted Beast, Time is running out)

Home » Gaming Tactics » Max Payne: Tip (Unlock all difficulty levels: Hunter, Hunted Beast, Time is running out)
June 19, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Max Payne: Tip (Unlock all difficulty levels: Hunter, Hunted Beast, Time is running out)

Start-> Run (or Win + R keys) and type “regedit” Press Enter.
Go to the section (or click “Find …”) HKEY_CURRENT_USER-> Software-> Remedy Entertainment-> Max Payne.
We go to the “Game Level” section, and on the right you will see the available difficulty levels.
Right click and select DWORD (32 bit) Value. Double click it and set the value to 1.
Change the parameter name to the following:

Hunter = hell
Hunted Beast = nightmare
Time does not wait = timedmode

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