Xenonauts 2: Advice (Activate Cheat Mode)

Home » Gaming Tactics » Xenonauts 2: Advice (Activate Cheat Mode)
August 12, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Xenonauts 2: Advice (Activate Cheat Mode)

– in the steam library with the right mouse button on the game

-select properties

-click set launch options

-in the line that appears, enter “-cheatmode” without quotes


(for pirates add -cheatmode to the shortcut at the end of the file path. Example: “D: \ Games \ Xenonauts2 \ Xenonauts2.exe” -cheatmode)


-Ctrl + Alt + V auto-win mission

-T restore the TU of the selected unit

-Y teleport the selected unit to the cursor

– K destroys obstacles or the enemy under the cursor

For money

We are looking for a folder with saves (Potentially this is C: \ Users \ “username” \ Documents \ My Games \ Xenonauts 2 \ Saves)

Open the save file, look for the line money, change it to the desired number


The method of hacking money has not been tested since I use the Cheat Engine. I also ask you to unsubscribe about the performance of cheats.

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