Into the Breach: Advice (How to open all pilots and all squads. Console commands)

Home » Gaming Tactics » Into the Breach: Advice (How to open all pilots and all squads. Console commands)
August 17, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Into the Breach: Advice (How to open all pilots and all squads. Console commands)

How to open all squads and all pilots

Unlocking All Squads and Pilots

  1. Create an in-game profile if you haven’t already. The profile is created when you first enter the game.
  2. Change to the directory:
    C: \ Users \[* USERNAME *]\ Documents \ My Games \ Into The Breach
  3. Open the profile_ folder[* PROFILE NAME *]
  4. Open the file profile.lua using any text editor
  5. Replace lines 9 and 11 with the following code:

[“squads”] = {true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true,},

[“pilots”] = {“Pilot_Original”, “Pilot_Soldier”, “Pilot_Youth”, “Pilot_Warrior”, “Pilot_Aquatic”, “Pilot_Medic”, “Pilot_Hotshot”, “Pilot_Genius”, “Pilot_Miner”, “Pilot_Recycler_Ass” , “Pilot_Leader”, “Pilot_Repairman”, “Pilot_Mantis”, “Pilot_Rock”, “Pilot_Zoltan”,},

Save and exit. Done.

Console commands 

In the game press the tilde (“~”) and the console will open. 

  • help – displays several useful commands with description
  • kill – kills all enemies on the map
  • rich – makes you rich (gives reputation points and several cores)

Other documented commands:

  • event – add event
  • incident – add incident
  • invasion – add invasion event
  • anim  – test animation
  • sanim – test animation (on board square)
  • reload – refresh lua scripts
  • day – set the current day

Hidden commands: 

  • unlock all – gives message saying no longer in release version
  • resolution – do not use with fullscreen enabled
  • makeitso – unlocks all pilots
  • unlock ach – unlocks all achievements
  • debug – toggles debug mode
  • popups – toggles popups
  • musc_version – toggles between music version 1 & 2
  • gog_clear – presume it clears all gog achievements untested
  • steam_clear – presume it clears all steam achievements untested

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