Funcom in minus

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March 30, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Funcom in minus
Recently issued data on income and loss to the Norwegian company FunCom. For the third financial quarter, finishing on December 31, the position of the studio has increasingly deteriorated. Nava reduced from 2.1 million. dollars to 1.7 million., And the losses before paying taxes compiled as much as 3.1 million. instead of 1 million..

However, representatives of the company call these not brilliant indicators expected. It’s all about Konan, or rather in the game Age of Conan, which has been postponed several times. A similar project requires essential money infants, so Funcom leaves in minus. But there are no reasons for sadness: 52.4 million is selected on the bank account of Norwegians. Dollars – a solid airbag, and after the release of AOC with more than the loss. One of those who wanted to pass the beta test came 500.000 people.

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