Loki: Heroes of Mythology: Tips for Beginners

Home » Gaming Tactics » Loki: Heroes of Mythology: Tips for Beginners
January 22, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Loki: Heroes of Mythology: Tips for Beginners

First tip: after fighting with creatures, make it a rule to stand a little without moving to the side. Life and mana will instantly recover without any bottles.
Second tip: rotate the camera with the letters Q and F, not with the mouse.
Third tip: don’t put a lot of skill on the numbers. For effective passage, three or four are enough.
Fourth tip: don’t forget to use the teleportation stone (bottom right). It is very convenient and free. It helps with the sale of excess inventory, and it will help to carry your legs if something happens.
Fifth tip: use the blacksmith in the village for forging and reforging various things. Do not be greedy, various runes and material will then be in bulk.
Sixth tip: kill all the critters on the map. Experience is invaluable.
Seventh tip: feed ALL unnecessary magic items to your god. For this you will receive divine points of additional skills.

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