Neverwinter Nights – Enhanced Edition: Hint (Obtaining Necessary Weapons and Items)

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June 17, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Neverwinter Nights – Enhanced Edition: Hint (Obtaining Necessary Weapons and Items)

First, you need to activate the debug mode. We call the console with the ~ key. Introduce DebugMode 1 (0 – turn off debug mode).

In order to get the necessary item in NWN 1 or Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition (version 2018), use the command dm_spawnitem (the team itself) nw_wswmka007 (item code of the Katana of Elements) may not work the first time, try several times. It is also necessary that the cursor be on a free site. The item does not appear in the inventory, but near the cursor.

P.S. If you want to know what items and their codes are, then you will need the moding program itself e: \ GAMES \ Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition \ bin \ win32 \ nwtoolset.exe it is in the game itself.

Select the company module and start the emulation (click the “Go to the starting position” icon) and in the right window select the sword icon “Apply item” and look for what you need in the menu, then right-click and select “Change copy” from the context menu … And now on this tab you can see the properties of the object and its code.

I foolishly tried to enter a command from NWN 2, but not all commands are suitable for NWN 1. If you need the entire list of commands. Then press ~ and press TAB, the entire list of available commands will be displayed in parts on the screen.

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