Sniper: Ghost Warrior: Tip (Editing Game Files)

Home » Gaming Tactics » Sniper: Ghost Warrior: Tip (Editing Game Files)
December 21, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Sniper: Ghost Warrior: Tip (Editing Game Files)

Create a text file named debugconf.scr
And copy the following script into it:

// —– BEGIN SCRIPT—————————————-
// ChromeEngine config file

!include (“DebugConfig.def”)
!SaveGame (s) // SaveGame system logs method: “LogR”, “CrashLog”, “None”
!Cheats () // enable cheat mode
!MenuEditor (i) // 1 – enable menu editor
!CurveEditor (i) // 1 – enable curve editor
!NoMusic (i) // 1 – disable all sounds
!UseDeveloperKeys () // enable developer keys
!UseFKeysWithCtrl () // force using F keys only with ctrl
!ShowPlayingSounds () // logs sound names
!RenderComments () // enable rendering of comments
!NoLogos () // disables logos at game start
!DebugVisualisation () // enable debug visualization (waypoints, fightpoints etc.)
!SkipFadeOutIn () // enable fast fade in / out
!SkipPressAnyKeyOnStart () // enable skipping “press any key …” on level start
!SetLogLevel (i) // binary sum of flags _LOG_ERRORS = 0x01, _LOG_WARNINGS = 0x02,
// _LOG_INFOS = 0x04, _LOG_TESTS = 0x08
// (used in ShowInfo methods, debug console)

!ConsoleCommand (s) // Defines console command that will be run at the begging of the game
// or after pressing numpad subtract key. There can be more than one command
// and the order of call is the same as they are defined in script.

!EnableAudioLog () // Enables logging of audio errors / events to file

!ChromeSpyHost (s) // ChromeSpy host machine name (default: localhost)
!ChromeSpyPort (i) // ChromeSpy port (default: 8086)

ConsoleCommand (s)
NoLogos ()
Cheats ()
UseDeveloperKeys ()
// UseFKeysWithCtrl ()
// ChromeSpyHost (“localhost”)
// ChromeSpyPort (8086)

//! AutostartServer ()
//AutostartLevel(“Woodyard_startprop.scr “)
// —– END_SCRIPT————————–

Save it in the game folder: … \ Sniper Ghost Warrior \ Game \

During the game press [Esc] to gain access
to the Access KI Debug menu and Dev menu.

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