Tom Clancy’s The Division: Tips (How to Increase Rate of Fire | RPM Hack)

Home » Gaming Tactics » Tom Clancy’s The Division: Tips (How to Increase Rate of Fire | RPM Hack)
September 11, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Tom Clancy’s The Division: Tips (How to Increase Rate of Fire | RPM Hack)

And so dear cheaters, I’m doing it for the first time, so don’t throw hats, but oh well, let’s skip this moment.

And so I’ll tell you how to increase the rate of fire in the game Tom Clancy’s The Division

1. We go into the game
2. We go to any operation where you can farm al kol clothes and phoenixes.
3. We do not go to execution, we shoot several cartridges, at your discretion.
4. Minimize the game, launch the Cheat Engine, capture the process
5. Go to Edit -> Settings -> Debugger options -> Use VEH debugger and uncheck “Remove already installed breakpots …” well, you understand the hrch and press confirm.
6. Go to the memory editor press RMB -> Go to address -> TheDivision.exe + 432988
7. Press RMB on ucomiss xmm6, (rdi + 04) and “Find the addresses this instruction refers to”

Download CheatEngine from our server you can here.

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