“Fjord Noir” Draugen will get to PC on May 29. Read the brief biography of the main characters

Home » Game News » “Fjord Noir” Draugen will get to PC on May 29. Read the brief biography of the main characters
August 8, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

“Fjord Noir” Draugen will get to PC on May 29. Read the brief biography of the main characters
Draugen, “Fjord Noir” from the Norwegian Studio Red Thread Games, Got an accurate release date – the game will get to the PC on May 29. At the same time, the authors presented a brief biography of the protagonist and his ward.

Main Hero – American Traveler Edward Charles Harden. All his life he spent in a large old house in Hanover, Massachusetts. Only dusty furniture surrounded him, extensive insect collection and thousands of books.

The only live relative of Edward – the younger sister Elizabeth, which he just loves, despite the fact that they are rarely seen. In one terrible day, Elizabeth disappears while traveling to Norway. Desperate brother drops the shackles of the pinch and starts at her search.

Master Hero’s companion – Adventurous and energetic Lisi girl. She was born not far from Boston in the middle class family, which often deprived her attention. Lyubility Lisi led her further and farther from his home. When her parents died, she became the ward Edward.

Draugen will be available on windows through Steam and Gog.Com. Translation into Russian will not worry. Versions for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One will appear later. You can learn more about the game in our news.

“Fjord Noir” Draugen will get to PC on May 29. Read the brief biography of the main characters

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