Network “Extralling World”

Home » Game News » Network “Extralling World”
July 5, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Network “Extralling World”
Company “1C-Softklab” And Snowball Studios Started the official Russian-speaking site of the Adventor “Extralling World” (In the original version – The Whispered World), for the development of which was answered by Studio Daedalic. In anticipation of the release of the Russian version of the game, you can look at the official website and familiarize yourself with the detailed description of the project, admire the screenshots and other illustrations, see the debut video.

Recall that “Extralling World” will offer you to be born into the role of melancholic and thoughtful clown named Sedvik, who most of all loves to explore his full mystery world. One fine moment to our hero in a dream was a kind of creature, who told about the approaching troubles and misfortunes, to stop which only Sedvik can. Otherwise it will be already nothing to explore.

The game is waiting for you a stylish two-dimensional graphics, an incredible atmosphere of the fabulous world and an interesting plot that will make you get involved in the adventure with the participation of Personal blood, creepy mandes, flying castles and ancient artifact. Well, more detailed information about the game you can from the review and video review from StopGame.RU.

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