Squad will be released in Steam Early Access in mid-December

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August 16, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Squad will be released in Steam Early Access in mid-December
Tactical Team Shooter overlooking the first person Squad From the creators of Modification Project Reality for Battlefield 2, Calculated on battles on a scale of 50 to 50 and familiar to Kickstarter users, in just a couple of weeks will be released in the “Early Access” of the Steam Service.

To be more accurate, then this event is scheduled for December 15. It is assumed that the version for Steam Early Access will include two cards: a large – 16 by 16 kilometers – based on real location in Afghanistan, and smaller for “rehabilitation of gamers who are not accustomed to true tactical battles of near-combat for detachments”.

Also expect four fractions (including the land forces of Russia and the irregular police) and four game modes: Advance and Secure (combines the seizure of the camp of the base and supply), Conquest (exposes irregular troops against ordinary armed formations), Insurgency (sends mechanized partsIn search and destruction of the secret storage of rebel weapons) and Territory Control (Capturing the territory “in a square meter at a time”).

In mid-December, “Early” version Squad will cost forty-American dollars. But through the official website of the project to preliminarily ordered the shooter will cost you the top ten cheaper.

Squad will be released in Steam Early Access in mid-DecemberSquad will be released in Steam Early Access in mid-DecemberSquad will be released in Steam Early Access in mid-DecemberSquad will be released in Steam Early Access in mid-DecemberSquad will be released in Steam Early Access in mid-DecemberSquad will be released in Steam Early Access in mid-DecemberSquad will be released in Steam Early Access in mid-DecemberSquad will be released in Steam Early Access in mid-DecemberSquad will be released in Steam Early Access in mid-DecemberSquad will be released in Steam Early Access in mid-December

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