Mass Effect Studio: Andromeda Combine with Star Wars Games

Home » Game News » Mass Effect Studio: Andromeda Combine with Star Wars Games
August 3, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Mass Effect Studio: Andromeda Combine with Star Wars Games
Looks like, Bioare Montreal finally lost the status of one of the leading studios Electronic Arts After failure Mass Effect: Andromeda. The representative of the publishing house confirmed the TECH Raptor portal that Bioare Montreal will be part of another team – EA Motive.

EA Motive – This is Studio Jade Reimond (Jade Raymond), which helps immediately with several projects “Star Wars”. The first is a single campaign for Star Wars: Battlefront II, and the second is a non-name fighter from Visceral Games and screenrity original trilogy Uncharted Amy Hannig (Amy Hennig).

New information completely coincide with rumors that staff Bioare Montreal Reduced: Already then anonymous sources reported that employees are translated into EA Motive, Breeding both studios are in the same city. Now, apparently, EA I decided to roll on “Star Wars” In general, all the remnants Bioare Montreal.

Recall that the main team BioWare Located not in Montreal, but in Edmonton. And she can say, everything is fine: Bioare Edmonton Prepares multiplayer action Anthem. Besides, in BioWare Returned Casey Hudson (Casey Hudson), one of the key people for the first three Mass Effect.

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