Tabula Rasa and Space Flights

Home » Game News » Tabula Rasa and Space Flights
August 8, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Tabula Rasa and Space Flights
Richard Garryot MMO has already been very and a long time ago. Under his wing, many hits came out, and now Rich is not going to stop at what. To warm up interest in your Tabula Rasa, For example, haryrot arranges a very, very, very unusual share. We would say unprecedented. We recommend starting familiarization with this site. There contains the most complete and current information about what we will tell now the smallest.

So Richard flies into space. In a very literal sense, and not mentioned already Tabula Rasa. To recall the existence of humanity to some aliens with a distant piece of iron, it will take a capsule and a conventional flash drive with him. Information about a variety of people will be recorded on the media. By the way, many celebrities have already agreed to take part in this Inyoplantyan “Marathon” – their list here.

This all action will last until September 29, and then NCSOFT spreads with Garryot and send it to the earthly orbit. There is this developer and will leave information about all humanity.

Why everything is intended exactly so? Just in the toy Tabula Rasa At our planet attacked some reptiles, leaving some kind of handful of people. But Just In Case Of this will happen in real life – we will find us.

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