Victorian history of Tibo

Home » Game News » Victorian history of Tibo
June 13, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Victorian history of Tibo
Writing in the diary of the popular creator of popular historical strategies Philip Tibo (Europa Universalis, Rise of Prussia) announced the development of a new game Maestro – Pride of Nations. The project will not change the traditions of Philip and will be historical. This time – about the time known as the Victorian era. It was for this period that the flowering of the power of the British Empire came, and he was named Victorian in honor of Queen Victoria, who ruled Britain from 1837 to 1901 (Sherlock Holmes loved to pour out its monogram from a revolver).

In reality, the historical period Pride of Nations Several will go beyond the board of Victoria – the game, for example, will include the Anglo-Board War 1899-1902. and Russian-Japanese war 1904-05. In addition, other exotic conflicts that are rare guests of strategies will be highlighted. In particular, Sipaev’s uprising in India 1857-58. Tibo promises to holy to adhere to the principle of historical accuracy, although historical alternatives will also be present. Will be released next year. Maybe.

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