112 Operator: Tip (A guide from Egon that covers all the basics of playing the game)

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September 22, 2020
23 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

112 Operator: Tip (A guide from Egon that covers all the basics of playing the game)


Hello with you. I am very pleased to see that you are so successful in helping the city. Many would like to thank you, including me, for clicking this guide. 

You can browse and find the title etc. from which you need knowledge. Otherwise, you can read it all to the end and become one of the smartest in the field.. 

In this guide, I will explain basic ambulance and 112 call handling, as well as a basic overview of the game, which will include detailed reviews of the game’s features.. 

Good reading and good luck! 

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Overview of gaming features

Main menu and game modes

The main menu can be viewed as soon as the player opens. This is also where you can navigate the game. There are seven options in the main menu, each of which will take you to a specific location in the game. 

1. “CONTINUE GAME” is the first in the menu. If you click on it, you will return to the last round you played. 
2. “DOWNLOAD GAME” – the second option. If you click on it, you will see all current games. In addition to this, you can also open them and see your progress. 
3. “CAMPAIGN” – the third option. If you click on it, you can start a new game with a moderated story. 
4. “FREE GAME” – the fourth option. If you click on it, you can start a free game.
5. “SETTINGS” – the fifth option. If you click on it, you can open and view all your settings. 
6. “CREDITS” is the sixth option. If you click on it, you can see all credits. 
7. “EXIT GAME” – the seventh option. Clicking on it will close the game. 

Campaing is a game mode in the game. A specific highway has been created. Calls will not repeat unless you perform the same function multiple times. The better you do your job, the further you get. However, if things go too bad, you could get fired.. 

Free game
Free Play is a game mode in which you play a free game. Those. calls can be repeated and no stories have been created. But disasters can still happen.

When you start a free game, you have to decide which position in the order you want to start from. There are four things available, however, to choose option number four, you had to manage the campaign. 

– this is the first opportunity you have. You only need to manage one area, accept normal calls, and you only need to handle simple events / events. Plus, you only have basic vehicles and accessories. 

You have the second option. You only need to manage a few districts, take regular calls, and you only need to deal with moderate events / events. In addition, you have several modern vehicles and accessories. 

This is the third option you have. You have to manage most of the city, take operator calls, and you have to deal with difficult events / events. Plus, you have many more advanced vehicles and accessories. You also have several control options. 

This is the fourth option you have. You have to manage the entire city and surrounding areas, only accept calls from operators, and you have to deal with extreme events / events. In addition, you have several modern vehicles and accessories. You also have several control options. 

After you have chosen which status you should have, you must also choose a starting area, however this may depend on which status you have chosen. Once you select the area you may have, you can select the month, name and options for natural disasters. 

The further you go in the game, the more points you can spend on buying new areas. You can only buy light green areas. 

You also need to choose severity. You can read more about this when the options are on the screen.

Security guard features

When you are on guard or en route, as it is also called, your job is to send the correct number of crew and vehicles to the event / event. 

Receiving events and calls
When you receive an event that you do automatically, you can see it by looking at the bottom center of the screen. You can click on the icon for more information and event location. You can also view event information at any time by clicking on the icon on the map. 

When you receive a call that you make automatically, you can see it by looking at the bottom center of the screen. You can click on the icon to start a dialogue. After you finish the conversation, you can also see a lot of information.

For more information read “Event / Event Management” and “Call / Report Management”. 

Information about an event or call
After clicking on the icon, you can see a lot of information. There, among other things, stand around the necessary vehicles, location and traffic development. You can see much more if one of your vehicles has arrived on the site, here you can also hover over the images to see the status. 

A simple observation of the icon can help immensely as it will tell you the vehicles needed. There are four uniform colors for these events. Colors can also be mixed, if this is the case, this means several different vehicles are needed. be if the icon is red and white, send a fire truck and an ambulance.

  • Red means firefighters are needed.
  • Blue means the police are needed.
  • White means that a prehospital unit is necessary.
  • Green means that eg. this is an important event such as a VIP escort or part of a mission.

In addition to the colors on the badge, there is also a symbol on the badge. This can for example. be a report, handcuffs, tools, fire, doctor, etc. These things also say a lot about what is needed on the spot. So when, for example. it’s a pair of handcuffs, it’s a good idea to send a police unit that can carry passengers. It may also be that this is a tool, if so, it may be advantageous to send a technical fire engine there. If you are not sure what this symbol means, click the icon to read it. 

Assigning a vehicle to an event
Once you receive a call or incident, assign multiple vehicles if your operators don’t. You can do this by left clicking on the vehicle you want to assign and then right clicking on the incident or call that needs help. 

Don’t forget to set up the help you need. If you forget to do this, it could result in death or injury. So know which device you want to send to this event. 

Device functions
If you want to assign multiple events to a vehicle, you can do so by clicking on the vehicle, then right-clicking one event, then holding down the SHIFT key and right-clicking another event.

To select a device by simply clicking on a number, first left click on a specific device, then press the CTRL button and then the number you want to assign to the device. 

If you want your device to use the emergency dial even if it does not go to the event, left click on the device and then double click the right mouse button where you want it to go. 

The route is playable for a limited time. You can see how much time you have left by looking at the top circle at the far right. The longer the white line, the closer you are to the end of your guard. Hover over the circle for a more detailed view.

You can control the speed that your guard needs to control. You can do this by looking to the left of the circle. If you selected the hardest difficulty, you cannot pause the current game. 

In the upper right corner of the screen, you can see the reputation you have acquired during the round. You can gain reputation by handling events / events and calls. Also, you can also lose it by handling calls or events / events poorly. 

Layers is an option in the upper left corner of the screen. When you hover over it, there are five options that allow you to add more information to your game. You can add the status of your units, see stations, buildings and searches.

Game progress

Before security starts

Before starting the course, a menu opens in which you have an overview of six things, namely units, targets, email, weather, statistics and areas. In each category, you can get a lot of information that can be critical to your progress in the game. Later in the game, you become much more addicted to how you choose to build up your powers with vehicles, people and additional equipment. 

The first time you take a course, you usually already received additional personnel and equipment that you can use to a limited extent. In addition, an emergency force consisting of firefighters, rescuers and the police will already be created. You also need 
areas you have to manage. 

Units of the first category. In the category you can see all your strengths, as in each 
area, and on the whole map. You can see this by changing the dropdown menu to say “All” before you select anything. 

If you want to assign a unit, you can either: 1) click on “ADD NEW UNIT” and choose your own, or you can select 2) “ADD PRESET UNIT” where you can select an already built unit. 

Create your own block
If you want to build your own block, click ADD NEW BLOCK and then select a mode of transport. After that, select the crew that will be in the new store. The crew will automatically receive the usual equipment.

To remove a squad or team, click on the intersection that appears when you click on the element you want to highlight. 

Accessories are a privilege that does not need to be granted to run the runway. However, it is necessary to prescribe it if it is a well functioning force. This is just some kind of equipment that you can assign to any crew, i.e. that firefighters, for example, cannot carry weapons. Each person can have room for equipment. You can assign equipment by clicking on the current equipment and then purchasing something new. 

You can read more about each hardware by hovering over it when you select it. 

Objectives of the second category. In the category, you can see all your tasks. The tasks are optional, but it will give you an added bonus. 

mail Electronic mail is the third category. In the category, you can see all your emails. It’s a good idea to read them, as important information is most often found in. 

Weather is the fourth category. In this category, you can see the weather before starting your route. It is important to be able to interpret this point of view as it can have a significant impact on your route..

More specifically, the wind speed in m / s, temperature and rainfall can be seen. If it’s very hot, pay special attention to any. forest fires and fire service. If there is too much rainfall, it can slow down your team’s speed and snowstorms, etc. can occur. And if the wind is too strong, you cannot help with the helicopters, and this can happen. tornadoes happen 

Also read “Disaster Management and Major Events” and “Traffic and Weather”. 

Statistics is the fifth category. If you can interpret the information you get there, it can help a lot with your further progress in the game. You can see your average efficiency as a percentage, etc. D. 

There are also two subcategories that can show more accurate statistics.. 

Areas of the sixth category. Here you can see all your districts and more accurate statistics in each of them. In addition, you can see which units you have assigned to each area. If you want to add a unit, you can simply move it from the map to the correct area.. 

As you progress in the game, you can also assign operators to help you manage your tasks and answer some of your calls or events.

Permanent security

Once you start the course, you can place bets on top. This is a new one that you must control. The city is divided into districts as indicated by the green markings. 

Calls and events are automatically assigned to you throughout the route. This can vary greatly depending on what calls and events you receive. Therefore, you must be prepared for anything. 

Your role
Your role under guard is to ensure that you are prepared for various calls or events. It may sound very simple, but there is more to come. You need to have a very good overview as it can easily become stressful and confusing when you are in charge of multiple areas.. 

When there are more incidents than your strength can handle, determine which ones are most important. Ex. choose a burning house, not a cat in a tree. If it gets too complicated, the only way out is to invest a few more units. 

Ambulance team alignment
When assigning one or more vehicles to an event, it is important to set up assistance. This means you get all the event information you can get. Once you’ve reviewed all the information, start customizing help. You can, for example. Do this by sending more units like SWAT and ambulances to major events like bank robbery etc. Also 

read Game Features Overview. 

Your position in your job determines many different things, such as calls, areas, and possibly hiring other operators. You can get promoted by doing your job well.. 

Also read “Traffic, Weather and Operators”. 

Arranging your strengths
Along the way, you will need to determine where to place your strengths most effectively. Placing multiple forces in the center may be smart as more events take place in the city center. However, you still need some strengths as things happen there..

After protection

After the call ends, a mandatory menu appears where you can view all the events or calls that occurred during the call. If you click on one of them, you can also see a small summary and possibly improvements. In addition to this, you can also view statistics and financial information.. 

You can see your guard’s stats on the right. Here, among other things, you can see resolved and unresolved events, career problems, efficiency and much more. All these statistics will be included in the general statistics that you can get before starting a new protection.. 

You can see all the financial information on the right. For example, you can. Look at income, expenses like maintenance and bills, and finally you can see your total profit. The profit will be added to the money you already had in advance.

Traffic, weather and operators

Traffic is one of the new things that has been added to the game here. Traffic can occur when there are incidents that can delay or interfere with other vehicles on the road. If so, you can be alerted even before your devices arrive. 

You can see the movement on the map as it is marked with striped, red lines. Traffic disappears on its own when the incident is resolved and a short time has passed. 

Traffic jams affect your strengths by making them much slower. Only motorcycles and helicopters can ignore these circumstances. 

Weather is also one of the new things that have been added to this game. You can see the weather forecast before security starts and as long as you have security for the entire city. The weather is very noticeable, the months are the same as in reality. 

Weather can affect your strengths and calls / events in many ways. If it is very hot or there is a heat wave, there is a much greater risk of large fires and you may have to complete some specific tasks to ensure it.. 

If it is very cold, snow storms are possible. A blizzard means that some forces cannot move and the helicopters cannot relax. The same thing happens with a lot of wind or tornado. In the event of a tornado, there is a growing number of cases where a prehospital department and fire department are needed. 

It’s the same with operators, this is also a new thing that has been added. In fact, one is very dependent on these operators, since it is almost physically impossible to manage all of this without having any of these operators. You must have managed a certain number of guards before hiring any of these operators, unless you selected Senior or more in the free game. 

Before you start guarding, you can assign some of these operators by going into the “districts” and then clicking on the empty box outside the district, now you need to buy someone or use some of them as you already did in advance. The operator may well have control over multiple areas.

Operators will automatically assign vehicles to events if there are any in the areas of a particular operator, if areas are too far apart, they will not be dispatched. Operators can alert you if they are short of devices. 

However, even if the operators do a lot, you also have to do a lot yourself. If they find out something important, they let you know by calling in the same way as regular calls..

Basic first aid

Chest In chest
there are vital organs like the heart and lungs. It is important that they are always given priority, since complications with these organs can cost death. Therefore, if you have symptoms of heart or lung problems, prompt help should always be sent. Symptoms may include cough, breathing pain, cold sweats, shortness of breath, and chest or arm pain.. 

Treatment and treatment
Before help arrives, ask the person to breathe calmly and in a controlled manner. You can Ask the person to sit down, as this will make the lung space better. If possible, the person should sit down to relieve pressure on the heart.. 

The belly is filled with organs. Therefore, strong blows, etc. can lead to severe internal bleeding. But since there are so many organs in the stomach, you need to be able to assess how extreme it is. So in case of severe pain, an ambulance may be needed. Other symptoms can also occur in the form of severe vomiting and nausea. If a person has swallowed something that may be toxic, an ambulance should be sent. 

Processing and treatment
It is very difficult to treat internal stomach problems without equipment and knowledge. Therefore, ask the person to lie down, if he has no problems with breathing, after the person has laid down, he should raise his legs above the heart. Do not consume food or drinks before proper help arrives. 

Cooling the body can be life-threatening, so people should always maintain a normal body temperature. Therefore, you can ask the person to take an extra or use a blanket. Hot drinks can also work. 

Trauma is injury, such as a car accident. Since trauma encompasses problems throughout the body, action must be taken from multiple points. If there are severe symptoms such as loss of consciousness, pallor, shortness of breath, chest pressure, severe pain, lack of sensation, such as in the arms, call an ambulance immediately. 

Treatment and treatment
Stop bleeding with pressure and bandages, always hit the neck and avoid movement, keep in touch with the person and monitor their condition closely. 

Head, neck and back
Falls can cause serious accidents, bumps or twitches, and serious injuries to the head, neck and back. Symptoms of trauma can be seen in the form of decreased consciousness, paralysis, nausea, and confusion. Avoiding neck or back movement should always be a priority. 

Treatment and treatment
Avoid moving your neck or back and stay in contact with the person. A person can only be displaced if life-threatening things such as cardiac arrest or insufficient breathing occur, but they must still be controlled and be as safe as possible.. 

If breathing or heart rate is absent or unstable, heart massage should be started. This is done with two breaths followed by 30 pressure in the middle of the chest. This is done until the person wakes up or help arrives. If the person is breathing normally but is still not conscious, they should be in a stable lateral position. 

ABC principle Principle
ABC is an algorithm that should help ensure a stable patient. 

  • Airways
  • breathing
  • circulation

First check for free airways (A), then check breathing (B), then check if circulation is OK (C). 

Three main points
first aid Three main points first aid are very important for maintaining a stable site of injury.

  • Create security
  • Perform a first aid
  • Call for help

First, the site of damage must be protected, i.e. that if there is a fire in the building, the person should get out immediately and not try to pick up others. After that, first aid should be given. It is based on the ABC principle. Once this is done, help should be sought. This can be done by shouting at others or by calling 112.

Call / Report Handling

Incoming call
When you receive a call, it can be seen in the center of the screen. A green circle will appear and several chestpiece sounds. To answer the call, click on the circle. When you answer the call, the answer will be automatically answered: “112, what’s your emergency?” You can use the headset to make it look more realistic. If the caller is hired, he answers first. 

banknote Always remember to answer correctly, i.e. don’t be flabby or indulgent. Even if the challenge does not seem important, you should still answer as if it were a more important challenge.. 

To answer a call
When the answering machine happens, you are told what is happening to the caller. Be careful to listen to the person, but also in the background; is there any noise? Are there shots? Once you know what happened, first ask for the address. Once the address is available, find it on the map. 

Depending on the situation, you need to secure the injury site and find out what strengths are needed. Once you’ve figured this out, start sending your forces to the challenge immediately.. 

Help setting
If you’re told that there are people who shoot each other, sending a police bike probably isn’t too smart. It is important that you choose which forces to go first to the stage. 

Get an overview
It is now important to find an overview of the injury site, i.e. how many have suffered? Does anyone have a weapon? Once you’ve found a good review, consider first aid.. 

It’s always good to start by talking to people. Also consider if this is really an emergency.. 

Help by phone
Give instructions over the phone, which can decide the fate of the situation. If there is a fire, think about how big the fire is and whether the person can put it out himself. This was just an example, so use all your knowledge to help.. 

Unusual calls
There may be unusual calls such as deaf or dumb people, deceivers, etc. Always remember to create a review, so consider if it is actually fake and how you should be able to communicate with people with disabilities. 

banknote It is a criminal offense to do phone scams, so you can send a patrol to the location and call the caller. 

End call
After Togo, Once you have received all the important information, assessed the scene and sent help, you must end the call. If it was a call that did not need help, you can press the button at the bottom of the menu called “IGNORE”. If this is a call for help, just close the menu and wait for your forces to complete their tasks.

Event / event handling

Upcoming event
You can see the upcoming event at the bottom of the screen. A red hexagon with an exclamation mark appears. Then you can click on the shape and you will get the location on the map. Location where the incident took place. 

For a better understanding, read “The main functions of the game”. 

Event response
After locating the event, start by looking at the symbol and color of your choice. Once you’ve seen this, read the instructive text that appears on the menu if you click on the selection. 

It is very important to get all the information you can get at all. This will include Otherwise, make sure your strengths perform better. 

For a better understanding, read “Basic Game Functions” and “Call Handling”. 

When the first of your strength arrives at the event, you will be provided with additional information. You can find information by clicking on the event flag and reading the report that will be available. 

Development of events
You can follow the development of events by clicking on the selection on the map. After that you can hover your mouse over the images in the event menu. 

End event
Once you have received all the important information, assessed the location of the injury, and sent help based on the text and symbols provided, you must complete the incident. If this event didn’t need help, you can click the button at the bottom of the menu called “IGNORE”. If this is an event that needs help, just close the menu and wait for your forces to complete their tasks.

Disasters and major events

What is the main event? 
The main event is defined here, for example, it could be repeated bomb threats or explosions, it could also be a concert or demonstration. 

Major events can happen very suddenly and unexpectedly. Sometimes it may happen that these are agreed events. This can for example. be a great demonstration or concert that was planned. 

What is a disaster? 
A disaster is defined here as a fatal, unexpected incident. Examples would be extremely bad weather conditions, huge fires, terrorist attacks or other natural disasters, or the like..

Disasters in many cases happen unexpectedly and suddenly. For example, if something is expected to be metrologists who predicted hurricanes, blizzards, tornadoes, etc. Major events can also turn into disasters. 

Management of major events or disasters
Start by keeping people safe and finding out the severity and location of the situation. After that, it is necessary to inform about all the basics, such as the number of injured, criminals, weapons, etc. Send the correct number of ambulances to end the situation as best as possible. 

You can proceed from this list:

  • Create security for everyone on the site. 
  • Taking control of the situation – not just through the phone.
  • Actively monitor the situation and trade from here.

Remember! Always prioritize safety for all people. 

When there are more events happening than your devices can handle, start prioritizing what’s most important. If this is too much, you can call up the backups in the “Units” menu. 

It may be helpful to read the aforementioned Event / Event Management, Call / Report Management and Basic First Aid here..


If you have feedback in the form of bugs or questions, you can always contact me. To contact me you must read the text below. 

This can be very helpful to answer a guide either upside down or with a thumb down. 

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