Alpha Protocol: Tip (Completely disable mouse lags, just lag when rotating the camera)

Home » Gaming Tactics » Alpha Protocol: Tip (Completely disable mouse lags, just lag when rotating the camera)
April 27, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Alpha Protocol: Tip (Completely disable mouse lags, just lag when rotating the camera)

in Alpha Protocol \ Engine \ Config \ BaseEngine.ini
and in Documents \ Alpha Protocol \ APGame \ Config \ APEngine.ini


bSmoothFrameRate = FALSE
MinSmoothedFrameRate = 1024
MaxSmoothedFrameRate = 4096
UseVsync = False
OneFrameThreadLag = False
OnlyStreamInTextures = True
bUseBackgroundLevelStreaming = False

in Alpha Protocol \ Engine \ Config \ BaseInput.ini
and in Documents \ Alpha Protocol \ APGame \ Config \ APInput.ini

* LookRightScale = 250
* LookUpScale = -250
* bEnableMouseSmoothing = false

* – the command is duplicated in the file – must be changed in 2 places

Author: utilizer

All thanks to him.
I say to those who cannot come here.

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