Ancient Wars Sparta: Tip (Change resolution to 1920×1080)

Home » Gaming Tactics » Ancient Wars Sparta: Tip (Change resolution to 1920×1080)
April 17, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Ancient Wars Sparta: Tip (Change resolution to 1920×1080)

In the game settings, the maximum resolution is 1600×1024. Through the settings file, you can change to 1080p or whatever you want.

In the folder with the game we find the file along the path Ancient Wars – Sparta \ Profiles \ Profile01 \profile.ini, open with any text editor and find the lines:

ResolutionX 1920

ResolutionY 1080

and then write the screen resolution you need.

To complement Fate of Hellas slightly different layout:

In the game folder, find the file along the path Fate of Hellas \ Profiles \ TheFateOfHellas \ ProfileXX\user_profile.up, open with any text editor and find the lines: 1920 1080

and then write the screen resolution you need.

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