ATOM RPG: Tip (Editing Saves with AtomSL and Notepad)

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March 30, 2020
3 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

ATOM RPG: Tip (Editing Saves with AtomSL and Notepad)

Tired of worrying about stats distribution? Tired of getting rid of every bandit? Need more gold? There is only one way out – digging into the game files. At the moment, the only working way is to manually make changes to the save. To do this, you must first unpack the file from the non-editable .as format to the editable .txt

What to do:

  1. Download the unpacker / save packer from the attached file
  2. Open the program and click on the UnZip button
  3. In the menu that appears, select the save file (example: and open it. After that, the folder of the same name will appear in the folder with the file. 
  4. We conjure with preservation as we need. Tip: make backups in case of jambs and edit only character / non-writing stats (it is more convenient to create items through the console) 
  5. Exit the folder and press the Zip button in the program
  6. We continue to look for adventures on our ass (but already prepared)

P.s: to use the console, you need to activate Numlock and simultaneously press 0 and * on the keyboard, and then enter the youshallnotpass command. Basic codes:

  • KillAll – this team will instantly kill all people present on the map that your team is part of.
  • AP [number]: This command allows you to get more moves to attack enemies. if you enter the command AP 10, the player will receive 10 action points.
  • addfuel [number]: this command will allow you to refuel the car.
  • AddLevel [number]: This command will instantly add an extra level. By entering AddLevel 2, the game will add 2 levels to the user.
  • AddXP [number]: This command will instantly add more XP.
  • Help: This command will reveal all other Atom RPG codes.
  • Hero: This command will make your character insanely powerful. He will receive +10 to all characteristics and +100 to all skills..
  • hunger [number]: This command reduces hunger. So if the character has a high hunger level, just type hunger 0 and the hunger will disappear.
  • Pobeda – this command will give the player a GAZ-20-SG1 car. This command can only be used outside the city.
  • radiation [number]: this command will change the level of radiation poisoning in the character’s body.
  • Teleport: this command will allow you to teleport to where the cursor is pointing.
  • toxic [number]: this command allows you to reduce the level of toxins of the character.
  • UnlockCraft: This command will unlock all crafting recipes present in the game.
  • UnlockMap: This command will show the entire map.
  • AddItem [item name] – this command allows you to add the desired items to the inventory.

I recommend looking at the name of the items on the game wiki  

Special thanks to Comrade Imelstorn for a tip on the program.                                                          

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