Conan Exiles: Tip (GUI admin panel. Infinite building resources. Full nudity)

Home » Gaming Tactics » Conan Exiles: Tip (GUI admin panel. Infinite building resources. Full nudity)
October 28, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Conan Exiles: Tip (GUI admin panel. Infinite building resources. Full nudity)

To gain access to the admin panel, in the single-player game mode, create a character, call the context menu (esc), in the “settings” select the tab “server”, “general”, click “make an administrator”. After that, the “admin panel” tab appears in the context menu, which can also be quickly called up by pressing (shift) + (insert) in the game. In the left part of the panel you can change such characteristics of the character as carrying capacity, HP, level, etc. ., as well as control the weather and the duration of the day and night. On the right side, you can select any resource and subject of the game.

Infinite Building Items: (Ctrl) + (Alt) + (Shift) + (F10)

To enable full nudity (it is disabled by default), do the following: path – Conan Exiles \ ConanSandbox \ Config, open the DefaultServerSettings.ini file with notepad, change the MaxNudity = none line to MaxNudity = 2. now full nudity is available in the settings, the “gameplay” tab

Conan Exiles: Tip (GUI admin panel. Infinite building resources. Full nudity)

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