Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition: Tip (Install Mods)

Home » Gaming Tactics » Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition: Tip (Install Mods)
November 30, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition: Tip (Install Mods)

in this lesson I will explain using the example of the mod “dante ex winte-black”

and so what needs to be done 

download the mod you like

after downloading, open the folder with the mod

what do we see 

Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition: Tip (Install Mods)

two files pl006 and plmod

open the game folder

go to nativeDX10

we throw pl006 in rom / demo / player

make a copy of the original file before copying

throw plmod in rom / player / costume

we also make a copy of the original files

and all the mod works, the icon when choosing a suit remained the same Dante with black hair, and in the game he with white black clothes and DT

I hope everything helped

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