Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind: Advice (Create a Mana Restoration Spell)

Home » Gaming Tactics » Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind: Advice (Create a Mana Restoration Spell)
July 6, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind: Advice (Create a Mana Restoration Spell)

We create the following spells:
=== 1 ===
increase. magic 100 for 1 sec.
increase. intelligence 100 for 1 sec.
increase. intelligence 80 for 1 sec.
This spell restores mana, and also increases it above the maximum number (for example, you can have 200/150 mana). With this spell, you can raise the number of mana even up to 10,000 thousand!

=== 2 ===
Drain Intellect 100 for 1 sec
Drain Intellect 100 for 1 sec
drain magic 10 for 1 sec
But this spell, in contrast to the first, restores all mana in just one use. But with this spell, you cannot raise mana above the maximum..

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