Enter the Gungeon: Advice (How to Collect the Great Patron)

Home » Gaming Tactics » Enter the Gungeon: Advice (How to Collect the Great Patron)
April 28, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Enter the Gungeon: Advice (How to Collect the Great Patron)

The first piece of the Greater Patron can be found in the Second Floor Weapons Shop.

Original capsule.

Enter the Gungeon: Advice (How to Collect the Great Patron)

The second part can be found on the 3rd floor in the room with air riders.

Secret gunpowder.

Enter the Gungeon: Advice (How to Collect the Great Patron)

You can get it by jumping from one trolley to another. Yes you can ride them!

The third part can be found on the third floor in a large room with invisible floor.

Planar lead.

Enter the Gungeon: Advice (How to Collect the Great Patron)

You can get it if you have a weapon that leaves a mark on the floor or, as in my case, on an obum. 🙂

The last part can be obtained by killing the last boss and destroying his skull.

Obsidian Shell.

Enter the Gungeon: Advice (How to Collect the Great Patron)

I think everything is clear here.

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