Fallout 4: Tip (Ways to copy items and copy items to inventory of friendly npc)

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October 1, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Fallout 4: Tip (Ways to copy items and copy items to inventory of friendly npc)

Fallout 4: Tip (Ways to copy items and copy items to inventory of friendly npc)

It’s simple.
We have items \ armor \ weapons that we want to multiply.

We make two boxes in the settlement.

Opening the console.

Fallout 4: Tip (Ways to copy items and copy items to inventory of friendly npc)

Click on the left box with the left mouse button and remember its ref ID.
I have it ff002c0c, you may have it different.

There are already complex items for copying in it … there are two goals – to copy everything into the right box and, then, into the settler, in order to then dress him.

Fallout 4: Tip (Ways to copy items and copy items to inventory of friendly npc)

Second drawer. If things remain in it, they will simply disappear..

We click with the left mouse button on the right box, we find out its ref ID, it is ff002b11
Again, you may have it different.

We write a command –

ff002c0c.duplicateallitems ff002b11

[first ref] dot [Command] Space [Second ref]

Fallout 4: Tip (Ways to copy items and copy items to inventory of friendly npc)

[first ref] – left box that we will multiply…dot required, because it binds the next command to it, [Command] – duplicates from the container (this “from” can be a box, and npc, and an enemy), space, [Second ref] – the second box, then – WHERE we copy.

Fallout 4: Tip (Ways to copy items and copy items to inventory of friendly npc)

Voila – items copied.

The situation is the same with npc.
There is a nepis, his inventory is slightly empty.

Open the console, press the left mouse button on the npc, it gives ff005b36 [pp]
What does [pp] I don’t know, we don’t need it … we only need ff005b36

All items that the npc will have after copying new ones into it will disappear.
We write a command –

ff002c0c.duplicateallitems ff005b36

[first ref] dot [Command] Space [Second ref]

[first ref] – the same left box that we will multiply…dot required, because it binds the next command to it, [Command] – duplicates from the container (this “from” can be a box, and npc, and an enemy), space, [Second ref] – this … woman, that npc – WHERE we copy.

Fallout 4: Tip (Ways to copy items and copy items to inventory of friendly npc)

Voila! She has the items. We dress her in all this, using the “T” key, based on the control.
And we do it with the whole settlement … if necessary.

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