Fallout Shelter: Tip (Time / Event Accelerator, w / source)

Home » Gaming Tactics » Fallout Shelter: Tip (Time / Event Accelerator, w / source)
November 25, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Fallout Shelter: Tip (Time / Event Accelerator, w / source)

Coaches solve problems radically, but if you still want to play, then a time accelerator will help. The presented program speeds up the system clock, according to the scheme “add every 5 seconds for 30 seconds” (these numbers can be changed). At the same time, the game works fine, all counters in it are updated, in contrast to the cases of transferring for long periods of time or especially back in time. What specific numbers to put – you can search for yourself experimentally, in my opinion, if you add 120 seconds – the game is not buggy yet, and 121 is already buggy….

It is recommended to set the time on the clock before the game equal to the time of the last save, and then by accelerating the time to reach the correct current time. So the night time will not be lost, and you can sleep peacefully.

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