Far Cry 4: Advice (Invulnerability & Infinite Ammo)

Home » Gaming Tactics » Far Cry 4: Advice (Invulnerability & Infinite Ammo)
November 12, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Far Cry 4: Advice (Invulnerability & Infinite Ammo)

Invincibility and endless ammo: In the folder with the game profile (save files) Windows Vista / 7/8: C: \ Users \<ИМЯ_ПОЛЬЗОВАТЕЛЯ>\ Documents \ My Games \ Far Cry 4 Find the GamerProfile.xml file and open it with Notepad Find the line there

“< GameProfile />“And change it to:

< GameProfile GodMode = "1" UnlimitedAmmo = "1" />

Save and run the game.

In the folder with the game profile (save files) Windows Vista / 7/8: C: \ Users \<ИМЯ_ПОЛЬЗОВАТЕЛЯ>\ Documents \ My Games \ Far Cry 4 Find the GamerProfile.xml file and open it with Notepad Find the line “< GameProfile />“And change it to: < GameProfile GodMode = "1" UnlimitedAmmo = "1" /> Save and run the game.

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