Heroes of the Pacific: Cheat Codes + Tip

Home » Gaming Tactics » Heroes of the Pacific: Cheat Codes + Tip
October 8, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Heroes of the Pacific: Cheat Codes + Tip

In the main menu, enter the following cheat codes
snap – all planes are open
japs – all Japanese planes are open

Aircraft bonus:
Complete the following missions in the specified campaign under Ace difficulty levels
to open the specified plane:
Coral Sea – Yak 3
Gilbert Islands – P-51A Mustang
Guadacanal – Tempest Mk. II
Iwo Jima – P215-01
Marinaras – P-61A Black Widow
Marshall Islands – Fw-190A-8
Midway – P-47D Thunderbolt
Philippines – P-80 Shooting Star
Wake Island – Sea Fire Mk.III

Complete the following missions in the specified campaign under any
difficulty level to open the specified plane:
Note: Japanese aircraft are not available in Campaign mode
or Mission mode until you complete the campaign mode.

Coral Sea: Scratch One Flat Top – PBY-5 Catalina
Coral Sea: Torpedo Practice – SBD-2 Dauntless and A6M2-N Rufe
Gilbert Islands: Million Men – B6N1 Jill
Gilbert Islands: Recon – Ki-102A Randy
Guadalcanal: Strike – B-26B Marauder and Ki-61-1A Tony
Guadalcanal: Tokyo Express – H8K Emily
Iwo Jima: Kamikazes – B-25G Mitchell
Iwo Jima: Landing – F8F Bearcat
Iwo Jima: Raise the Flag – J7W Shinden
Marianas: Revenge – Ki-84-1A Frank
Marianas: Usurper – F6F-3 Hellcat
Marshall Islands: Rescue Pilots – TBD-1 Devastator and J7M2 Jack
Midway: Defend Midway – TBF-1 Avenger
Midway: Mikuma – P-38D Lightning
Pearl Harbor: Surprise Attack – A6M2 Zero and B5M1Kate
Philippines: Samar Sea – D4Y2 Judy
Philippines: Steal Prototype – Me262
Wake: Combat Air Patrol – F4F-3 Wildcat and F1M Pete
Wake: Evacuate Admiral – F4U-1 Corsair and D3A1 Val
Wake: Wake Up – G4M2 Betty

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