Homefront: Tip (Optimization)

Home » Gaming Tactics » Homefront: Tip (Optimization)
June 26, 2020
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Homefront: Tip (Optimization)

To customize the game for a specific system, you can customize the game configuration file. To do this, open the GCEngine.ini file, which
is in
C: \ Users \ … \ My documents \ My Games \ HOMEFRONT \ GCGame \ Config \ (Win Vista \ 7)
C: \ Documents and Settings \ … \ My documents \ My Games \ HOMEFRONT \ GCGame \ Config \ (Win XP)
and adjust some of the most important parameters in terms of optimization, which I will try to describe. If after the = sign nothing is written, then in your file there you need to register either TRUE (enabled) or FALSE (disabled), for optimization it is better to disable.

bDisablePhysXHardwareSupport = TRUE (disable PhysX)
UseFPSSmoothing = False (disable FPS smoothing)

bSmoothFrameRate = False (disable FPS smoothing)

AllowD3D10 = False (disable DirectX 10)
AllowD3D9 = True (bcgjkmpjdfnm DirectX 9)
UseFPSSmoothing = False (disable FPS smoothing)
MotionBlur = (motion blur effect)
AmbientOcclusion = (shading surfaces based on light intensity)
Bloom = (glitter effect, e.g. on metal, water surface, etc.)
DepthOfField = (depth of field)
Distortion = (distortion)
DynamicLights = (dynamic lighting)
DynamicShadows = (dynamic shadows)
LensFlares = (lens flares)
FogVolumes = (haze, fog)
PostProcessing = (post-processes)
HighQualityGamma = (high quality gamma)
DetailMode = (options 2- high, 1- medium, 0- low)
DrawDistance = (options 2- high, 1- medium, 0- low)
ResX = (if necessary, specify the horizontal resolution)
ResY = (if necessary, specify the vertical resolution)

PostProcessing = (post-processes)
Foliage = (leaves, grass)
DepthOfField = (depth of field)
MotionBlur = (motion blur effect)
Bloom = (glitter effect, e.g. on metal, water surface, etc.)

[FullScreenMovie] (to disable the intro videos at startup, put a semicolon in front of each specified parameter)
; StartupMovies = LegalScreen_PC
; StartupMovies = THQ
; StartupMovies = ThreeLogos
; StartupMovies = DE_Logo
; StartupMovies = NVidia
; StartupMovies = HomeIsLogo
; SkippableMovies = THQ
; SkippableMovies = DE_Logo
; SkippableMovies = ThreeLogos
; SkippableMovies = NVidia
; SkippableMovies = HomeIsLogo

bSmoothFrameRate = False (disable FPS smoothing)
bDisableMotionBlur = (disable blur effect)
bDisablePhysXHardwareSupport = (disable PhysX support)
TextureDetailLevel = TextureDetail_VeryHigh (VERYHIGH- very high, HIGH- high, MED- medium, LOW- low)
WorldDetailLevel = GQUALITY_VERYHIGH (VERYHIGH- very high, HIGH- high, MED- medium, LOW- low)
ShaderQualityLevel = GQUALITY_HIGH (VERYHIGH- very high, HIGH- high, MED- medium, LOW- low)
ShadowQualityLevel = GQUALITY_HIGH (VERYHIGH- very high, HIGH- high, MED- medium, LOW- low)
DecorationLevel = DecoLevel_High (VERYHIGH- very high, HIGH- high, MED- medium, LOW- low)

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