How To Survive – Storm Warning Edition: Tip (How to change the initial parameters of the characters “Health, stamina, accuracy, strength”)

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By Jonny Gamer

How To Survive – Storm Warning Edition: Tip (How to change the initial parameters of the characters “Health, stamina, accuracy, strength”)

Checked For How To Survive – Storm Warning Edition.
Go to the \ How To Survive \ DLC \ Characters folder. Select the folder with the name of the character whose characteristics we are going to change. Find the Info.xml file there and open it with a text editor. Almost at the beginning of the file, you will find the following lines:
stat_health = “60”
stat_rush = “76”
stat_aim = “70”
stat_strength = “50”

We change these values, for example, to the maximum.

stat_health = “100”
stat_rush = “100”
stat_aim = “100”
stat_strength = “100”

We carry out these actions with the same file located in the \ How To Survive \ DLC \ Characters \ “character name” \ DLC_01.
We start a new game, the characteristics have been changed, we live a long time, we run a long time, we aim fast, we hit it painfully.

Theoretically, you can change the same file in the \ How To Survive \ DLC \ Characters \ “character name” \ DLC_01 \ Online.
The characteristics may change online. Good luck.

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