Kenshi: Tip (Built-in Game Editor)

Home » Gaming Tactics » Kenshi: Tip (Built-in Game Editor)
December 16, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Kenshi: Tip (Built-in Game Editor)

The game folder has a built-in game file editor with a variety of functionality

…..\ Kenshi \ forgotten construction set.exe

Editing equipment is too gimmicky so I’ll show you how to edit character stats

The biggest base of cheat codes for video games on link.

Open the editor -> Close the window with mods -> Click the “open any” button -> We will be asked to specify the file -> Next, go to the folder with the saves -> Go to the folder of the save you need and then to the “platoon” folder -> Find your squad and then a window opens -> Go down and find the characters -> Click on them and edit as your heart desires

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