Little Big Workshop: Tip (Changing Resources via CE)

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December 22, 2020
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Little Big Workshop: Tip (Changing Resources via CE)

There is no stable value of experience money in the game, etc..
However, with a simple search, you can easily find the value you need to add 00 to the amount.
so if you have 11345 coins, then you need to search for 1134500 and when sifting (if necessary) also add 00 to the new value. By default, you should find 4 values, you need to change everything in the freeze mode (the cross is put) .
Change experience or number of points, lvl, etc. I do not advise the number will change, but it will NOT give out bonuses for this and then you will not get anything even if you return everything as it was.

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